Fine Art

Sea of Inception
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 18”x 24”

I painted everyday objects including shoes and staircases to depict an unusual perspective of movement. The singular tone consistent throughout the piece intertwines these objects, creating an illusion that combines all aspects of the distorted image.

Beauty in Darkness
Medium: Water Color and Poster Paint
Size: 18″ x 18″

The sharp contrast of the piece, between the darkness and light-hearted beauty of nature is depicted through the color scheme. I used this piece to illustrate the beauty that is sometimes lost when regarding nature in a modernized world.

Medium: Watercolor
Size: 18″x24″

The piece commemorates a life experience I had where I gained clarity with friendships. The crystal clear glass container symbolizes my realization that some appearances are false. Consequently, I became more aware of the people I choose to surround myself with.

Collect: Post Stamps
Medium: Color Pencil
Size: 18″x24″

A Distant Memory
Medium: Pencil
Size: 18″x24″

This piece depicts a distant childhood memory. Void of color, the image symbolizes the vague recollection of my early childhood in Korea.

Roman Jeans
Medium: Color Pencil and Poster Paint
Size: 18″x24″

In this piece I painted a sculpture of Julius Caesar, a true leader. I focused on depicting a three dimensional piece of art, turning it into my own work. There is more depth to this famous figure, prompting me to add a variety of colors and complex texture to portray his many qualities, that would otherwise not be reflected in such a plain sculpture.

Collect: Material World
Medium: Poster Paint
Size: 18″x24″

Blending In
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 18″x24″

I created this piece in my first year of high school, where I felt the immense pressure to be socially accepted by my peers. My visage in the image depicts my seemingly energetic and happy appearance, sharply contrasting to how I truly felt at times.

Medium: Graphite Pencil
Size: 18″x24″

A huge part of my life has been my identity as a twin. By separating this piece into two, I am able to reveal the intertwined persona I share with my sister while still maintaining separate identities.

Medium: Acrylic
Size: 16″x22″

My sister Alison has always been my counterpart. Having a twin emphasizes what makes me special because we are so similar in other aspects. Alison showcases my individual strengths and weaknesses simply by being her own person.

Medium: Water Color, Acrylic, and Poster Paint
Size: 15″x10″

In this piece, I focused on the color contrast and imbalance of the different objects to reflect conflicting parts of my life. I was able to emphasize some balance by illustrating similar pairs of objects in different but parallel forms.

My Imagination
Medium: Watercolor
Size: 18″x24″

This piece gives incite to the inter-workings of my imagination. Vibrant, vivid, and colorful doodles wrack my imagination, stemming from the record player. The importance of music in my life brings me the color and joy that lets my imagination soar.

Medium: Pen
Size: 24″x18″

Fascinated with the inner workings of roots, I wanted to capture the idea of a support system and highlight the complexity of this part of plant.

Eye Into Your Soul
Medium: Poster Paint, Color Pencil, and Black Pen
Size: 16″x20″

In this piece, I focused on the unique color scheme for each individual feather.

Grandma’s Antiques
Medium: Pencil and Color Pencil
Size: 16″x24″

I dedicate this piece to my grandmother who recently passed away, but still plays an important role in my life.

Medium: Water Color and Poster Paint
Size: 18″x24″

The metallic texture throughout the gears, tires, and other mechanical objects illustrated in the piece allude to the industrial age. Additionally, all the separate parts in the piece working together resemble that of a machine- an industrial assembly line.

Swamp Festivities
Medium: Poster Paint
Size: 24″x18″